Every doggie is doing it so here are are answers to the 27 questions going around. (Thank goodness no one's pestering me about secrets. Not that I have any. I let Ethel answer her own. My answers are preceded with a "W" (NOT for Dubya) and make sense. Ethel's are preceded by an E and are stoooooooopid.
1. Your age?
W: Ageless.
E: Maybe 3? YOUNGEr than old Man WALly
2. Your age when came to live with your people?
W: Four years ago. Age estimated at 8.
3. What color is the collar you’re wearing right now?
W: Polka dotty.
E: OOOOOrange. Like the Baltimore OOOOOOOOs.
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with?
W: I don't warm up to peeps easily. But probably Mr. Rene who brings me snacks whenever he visits. Also Auntie Ira who I only met once but she fed me pastrami.
E: ANYOOOOOOOOOOOONE! Especially granny and gramps because we get to go to the PARK. And they feed me SNACKS.
5. How much do you weigh?
W: 42/3 pounds
E: 65 pounds
6. Most expensive thing you’ve ever chewed up?
W: I have destroyed some pockets but I'm not much of an illicit chewer.
E: I tore up Wally's bEd onCe. Haha. But I never chew on things i'm not supposed to. Sometimes I want to eat my brother. But he's not EXPENSIve.
7. Do you like other Dogs?
W: Used to. Now I'm a more private dude. I hurt my back a couple of years ago and I'm a little anti-social. But I have to live with at least one other dog or I get separation anxiety. I think I need some analysis. Pull up a couch!
E: NOOOOOOO! Sometimes. I love Wally and my friend Frodo. Usually I DON'T CARE unless they're annOYing ME.
8. Who is your best non-human friend?
9. Squeaky Toys or Tennis Balls?
W: Squeakies all the way.
E: Tennis Balls! Where! Huh? Where!!??!?
10. Do you like to be brushed?
W: Not so much.
E: OK! Can I sit in YOur Lap?
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese?
W: PeeBee.
E: CheesE PLEEZ.
12. Do your people cut your nails?
W: Noooooooooooooooooo. I don't really need them cut. I walk a lot and when I go to get them cut there's nothing to cut.
E: No.
13. Any formal education?
W: I'm a Canine Good Citizen! Top of the class in TWO (beginner) obedience classes.
E: I took TWOOOOOO classes too. And flunked CGC!
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny?
W: Couchin' it.
E: BUUUUUUUUNNNNY! Where! Lemme chase it!
15. Five nicknames your people call you.
W: Wallisimo, Wawly Bottom, Sweet Pea, Sleepy Bo Peepy, The Boss
E: Stinky, W-T-L, Wethel, Spaz, The Deer Hunter
16. What is your best trick?
W: Total mind control over my ma ape. Also making food disappear.
17. Do you like kitties?
W: NOOOOO! (Secretly: yes.)
E: Yes, for CHASING.
18. What did you have for breakfast?
W: Beef-ables, cottage cheese, chicken broth, veggie moosh, ticker meds, Dog Gone Pain
E: Same as Wally but I don't NEED OLD MAN pills.
19. Can you hunt (aka have you ever killed anything living)? If so, what?
W: Nope. I caught a rabbit once. Let it go. Caught a groundhog. It got the better of me. Aided and abetted the near capture of a deer. Currently I am stalking some cherry tomatoes in the garden and as soon as they are ripe they are SOOOOO mine.
E: A DEEEEEEEEERS! Once we caught a groundhogs but the apes made us let it go before i could hurt it. The apes always say NOOOOOOOOOO killing and I always WANT to hunt and they say NOOOOOOOO. Buzzkills.
20. When & why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.?
W: About three weeks ago for an ear infection.
E: Two months agO and I got SHOT! (Wally: She got shots. Not shot. No guns involved).
21. Where do you sleep at night?
W: Wherever I want. Usually in my bed in the people room. In the people bed in the winter.
E: In the ETHEL BED in the PEOPLEs BEdrooms.
22. Do you like to swim?
W: Only when I'm chasing Mocha. I'm more of a casual wader.
E: I like WADING and chasing the baLL but not SWimming TOO far.
23. Can you make puppies?
W: No. And I never did. I swear. No baby mama drama. Uh uh.
E: No SQUARED. THey spaded me TWICE.
24. Your favorite place to visit?
W: The park with shade.
E: DEers field! AnywHERE OFFleash.
25. Do you give kisses?
W: Yes. But mostly to my apes. I don't give it up that easily.
E: YES. to ANYONE. But I niP when I geT too exciTed.
26. Can you potty on command?
W & E: Sort of.
27. To Cuz or not to Cuz?
W & E: NO CUZ.
Labels: dogs that blog, ethel, i've been tagged, Wally