Play Date!
Some of you might remember THIS thing:

That is Tuchuck (formerly known as Glacier, known as Upchuck to me). And he is my sissy's new real world BFF. We got to go to his house and my sissy was all nervous and not quite as playful.

But they did a little bit of chasin'.

And then I got to do some chasing!

And maybe a little terrorizing. Um, I might have scared Upchuck a little. What can I say? I'm a little jealous. He has all his bits AND my sissy loves him.

But what if I made a new friend! Look! That's Upchuck's sissy Narra.

I love to chase her! And completely indifferent to me.

Well, they decided to let my sissy and The Chuck play some more so I got to go on the other side of the fence to sharpen my teeth on a wizzler. That's good because I got to be with my best friend ever.

Labels: buko narra jacks, ethel, friends, play, tuchuck, Wally