It is Wally Week so I am going to host my OWN
SPCA Saturday. And boy do I have some news to share! No, I don't have a new sib (yet) but my bud ROSCOE P. NEO is OUTTIE! Oh yes, he has a home! With two Saint Bernard sibbies! Way to go Roscoe!

Now, before you all rush out to the SPCA I am NOT available for adoption. And it is really not fair to appear in the SPCA Saturday because, you know, everyone will want me. But here are some dogs who are not quite as awesome but still pretty awesome.
This is Rudy who is a totally shy guy but my ma ape thinks he's handsome. I roll my eyes.

This dude is Tyson, a lover and a fighter (ie, he isn't fond of other dogs. Peeps, on the other hand, he does love.) All ears came away from the encounter unbitten.

This is Claire, a wee pitty girl with lovely green eyes. She's very shy but nice.

Would anyone like this dog? He is a few cards short of a full deck and, as you can see, he pees like a girl (often on his own leg). His name is
Oscar Bean , er, Roscar Lean, Annoying Teen. Free to good home.

This sassy frassy is Tootie (no word on how she got that name). She is full of piss n' vinegar and even offered to take on a St. Bernard while she was there. (Literally).

And now two beans who got adopterated RIGHT AFTER having their pictures struck. This is Scuffles. Who does not get in scuffles and is a nice dude.

And MASON who went to a new home and I'm so glad cuz my ma ape was enamored of him. Paws off, Mason!

And here are a couple of oldies but goodies! BEAST T. BEEFCAKE!

Here is Beast apparently dislocating his shoulder. How is that physically possible??? He got to meet Rudy and Claire (below) but he was a little overwhelming for them so their playdates were short. Beast, you gotta buy 'em dinner before you hump 'em, dude. Mind your Ps n' Qs!

And this dude is MOSES who was a little under the weather but got out. I'm a bit worried because he makes my ma ape all weak in the knees giving hugs and kisses. Uh, Moses, didn't you give us that commandment--THOU SHALT NOT COVET THY CORGADOR'S MA APE!!??

And here's a shot for Roscoe P. Neo--I wish you nothin' but the best, bud!

Labels: adoption, dogs rule, oscar, pit bulls, rescue, spca