MONKEY STICK! (Or, how I rescued my ma ape)
Today is a very important day. Five years ago TODAY I rescued my ma ape. She was in a place called graduate school which is foster care for apes who don't want to get real jobs. I was at a place called Three Rivers Rescue in Snoqualmie Washington. I had lived there for over five months after I was found roaming the streets of Yakima, WA. I was missing a good chunk of my fur and many of my teeth. I had been found with an embedded chain and loads of fleas plus an upper respiratory infection. And I was really shy and would roll over onto my back whenever anyone came near me so my picture on Petfinder was of my belly. They thought I was going to be an old-timer--a dog who stayed in foster home until he died. In the five months I was there, not a single person had come to see me. But I was waiting to rescue the right person. My other ape saw me at the rescue and said "Is he always going to look like that?" Well, it was all a plan to find someone who would love me for my inner beauty before being blinded by my incredible handsomeness. And boy am I handsome now!
I've been celebrating my good judgment today with some help from my friends. Like Ruby Bleu who sent me an awesome card!

And I had to pose for my official burpday portrait. Which one do you think?
Wally in technicolor?

Open-mouthed Wally?

Grinnin' Wally?

Slightly tipsy Wally?

In addition to getting photos of my handsome mug I have had to have copious eatables--my friends demanded it! Here I am with a wizzler.

And a little chicken back (shout out to Sherms!)

And I ate a few snowballs.

And now I give you....MONKEY STICK!

My ma ape decided that I already have a LOT of stuffies and I have been going through them quickly (thanks to me and my sissy's tugging matches and my un-stuffing tendencies) so she would get me one NICE one instead of lots of ones that would wind up as piles of stuffing by this evening. So wanted one that was 1) big 2) sturdy 3) made a lot of noise.
Monkey stick is 1) as big as me 2) very well constructed 3) has a squeaker in each limb, in the butt, and in the nose AND a honker in the body! A stuffy fit for a Woober!

Now THIS is a present I can sink my teeth into.

I wrote a song for it. It goes like this.
"Who's got a monkey stick? I do!
Who's got a monkey stick. Not you!"
Party on, friends!