Raising Cain
I haven't been able to keep up with my blogging responsibilities including visiting all my friends. These are busy times with my bud Joe out of town and me watching out for Sophie and then my ma ape has really been neglecting me. It has also been a stressful time with my younger sibs, especially my adolescent angst ridden brudder Oscar Bean, Super Teen. And thus I give you the saga of youngins at my house.

Can't you just see the trouble in his eyes? The Super Teen, somehow covered in his own slobber:

And my sissy, while more mature, has been no walk in the park.

She's had problems with the ole gut, causing explosions from both ends.

The wind up:

And here's Oscar Bean, Super Teen, with his Teen Wonder friend Tuchuck and a horse/Great Dane.

Lemme tell you about Tuhuck the Teen Terror!

Yes, Chuck is a dude. And totally temptressy!
So you see why I've been such a busy bee. I am hoping this weekend's lousy weather will mean more time indoors abloggin'.
Labels: dog par, ethel, friends, oscar, play, tuchuck, Wally