What's up dudes? I'm Shooter. I was adopted a few weeks ago and now I AM BACK! They found me trying to get into cars at a hotel near the
SPCA! WOOOO! And my owner never came to claim me--JERKAZOID!

Before I intro you to my buds let me put in a plug for my friend Zulu who is like the nicest guy you can meet but he tore his ACL and needs surgery. If you can help you can donate
here. Can you say no to this face?

Now my new buds!
This is London! She's a laaaaaaaaaady. And she's crazy. She tried to get me to play with her through the fence. Silly pup.

And meet Skipper, Schnauzer Central. He looks cranky but he's NOT.

And this is Mack, some manner of pug mix. They think maybe Pug/Jack Russell which makes him a JUG. He is like a totally cool dude.

This this here is Scooby (left) n' Beethoven (right)--and no, he will not roll over.

Ludwig down here is really bossy.

And poor Scoobster was scared senseless and had to be carried in by the lady ape. And yes, he is a purebred Wire Fox Terror. And Wally says that he knows many of these and they come highly recommended. He says he'd even drive this one to Maymphis for his bud
Gus so the foxies could outnumber the Tekas.

And this here pup is Jacob. He's a wee pit. We have some funny photos of him mauling the lady ape. We'll see if she'll let us post 'em!

Ok, we've had a good record with SPCA Saturday and since Big Red the dogs doing SPCA Saturday have gotten adopted the next week. Let's keep up the trend!!!!!!!!!
Labels: adoptoin, dogs rule, rescue, spca