We got to have another playdate! This time with a pool party (more on that in a later post.) We got to go over to see Narra, Jackson, Tuchuck and Rousseau.
Three dogs in one car!

Four dogs in one pile.

Oscar Bean chased Tuchuck.

Wally chased Tuchuck!

Jackson chased Wally (slow speed chase).

Look! Jackson scares Oscar because Oscar cannot handle his love. Here Oscar is stopped in his track by the power of Jackson's gaze.

Jackson just wants a little love!

And a lotta Oscar.

Princess Narra was above the she-nanigans.

And also she was quite busy hoarding the tennis balls.

We listened to ABBA the whole time and had a handsome contest to decide who got to be the Dancing Queen.
The entrants included Tuchuck (Super Trooper).

Jackson (Voulez Vous--ah ha!)

Rousseau (Chiquitita).

Wally T. (Wallyloo!)!

Who is the Dancing Queen? You don't have to say--I don't want to make the other dogs feel bad.
But I did leave behind a little something for my pals to remember me by.

If you want to see a video of us playing you can visit my
buds' blog.
Labels: buko narra jacks, ethel, jackson, oscar, play, rousseau dog, tuchuck, Wally