This is Wally and I am doing SPCA Saturday because I am SO MAD that my ma ape spent the day Saturday enflirterating with two big headed dogs when she has ME at home. Am I not enough for her? Well, we'll see how she likes it when I go to live with my new moms in the White House! So visit the
SPCA to adopt these big headed (or small headed) dogs so that my ma ape stops sluttin' around with 'em.
So, first, three of the dogs my ma ape walked and pho-to-graphed got adopted within an hour of getting their picture took!
Ms. Roxy got a lot of attention because she is a young boxer mix. She got adopted!

This little dude is a beagle who has a BIG bay and a NEW HOME.

Now for adoptable dogs.
This girly girl is Lucy, a sweet pit mix who loves her some play time.

The next two dog are shar-pei/chow mixes (?) who were part of a big pack seized from an owner who couldn't take care of them. They had some skin problems and are a little aloof. Sadly they are older dogs and have been living there for awhile waiting for their skin to clear up and hoping for rescue.
This lady is Nina.

And this dude is Malachai and my ma ape said he reminded her of me but with legs and back wrinkles. WHATEVS.

And this is lady Jane who is WAY too nice to still be at the SPCA. She loves to run (can you tell) but also loves to get attention from the peoples. Like, my peoples. Stop it!

And this is Mallory and my ma ape did not get a good pic of her because she kept rolling on her back for the belly rubs. She walks well on the leash and enjoys all peoples, especially those who want pitty kisses.

And now---the Saint Down! Yes, there are two 11-month old male Saints who the apes took out and they made quite a spectacle of themselves!

They are obviously great with one another, love to play, and love getting people attention.

They are BIG and still growing. It would be totes cool if the could be adopted together.

I might have had my fainting spell just so the ma ape could not bring home these behemoths!. I'm not sayin'. But someone please get these guys SOON!