Hello! This is your buddy Jughead bringing you bunches of
SPCA Saturday fun.
Oops! Let me get in frame.

That's better. I'm going to tell you about how we have good things in bunches at the SPCA. But first some singleton friends.
Ms. Seven! She makes suds like Mango and she is a sizeable lady.

And Lovely Lizzy still at the SPCA (WTF peeps!)

And here is a beagle n' chihuahua mix, he's fat enough for two so he comes in bunches, too!

Now, bunches! We have bunches of rabbits.

And they eat bunches of vegetables.

And this guy is bunches big!

This is Ross who is part bunny because made does he like to HOP HOP HOP bunches.

And here is Beast T. Beefcake!

With bunches of slobber!

And WTF! Is this OBST at the SPCA?

Nah, this whirling dervish is Champion, an OBST impersonator in socks! (Like Lizzy, Ethel Impersonator in socks! Next week will there be a corgador in socks/??!!!??!?!?!)

He has a tendency to chase his tail and be a bit, er, half cocked. Even more than OBST the original. Someone is in for a treat!

There are bunches of beagles (like 7 of 'em) that are part of a court case:


They were born at the SPCA and since they are part of a cruelty case they have to stay there. Cutie Patooties, I say! (But not as cute as my babies, I must also say.)

And then these jugheads came in with the babies' mama. They all have big heads and butchered ears like me! They are part of the court case, too, which is why it looks like they are in jail which is totally backwards because they are GOOD guys and the BAD GUYS are still out there.

This guy looks like me on a diet! (No thank you, die-t!)

And this guy is a brindle big-head oldie. Handsome!

And from me, here are bunches of smooches.

Now give me bunches of belly rubs!

I hope all the bunches who can go home do and I hope all the court cases wind up with the bad guys in jail and the good guys in new homes getting bunches and bunches of love!
Labels: adoption, dogs, pit bulls, rescue, spca