Hello blogging pals! My secretary is still writing on things she should have been done with a long time ago so I've been kept from my keyboard and I'm pretty fed up. She's threatening to go on strike if I don't stop yelling at her but I told her the writers aren't on strike anymore so she'd better work or I'll crack the whip. (Does anyone have good union busting tips? My ma ape is getting a little uppity). Anyway, I thought I would give you an update on what I've been up to.
First, to answer all your stain-related questions:
1. I am not sick. I have been known to barf with some regularity. In particularly, sometimes I eat too fast (chewing is for amateurs!) and then it is like deja vu all over again.
2. I do not eat my barf. In fact, I have a little barf-phobia and I avoid my own stains (and Sissy Stains) like the plague.
3. My ma ape says NO STAIN pictures. It is now a nice bright orange color.
Now, on with the news.
First, there was rain and our yard looked like this:

And me and my damp sissy had to do things like this:

To shake off the damp!

And then, there was Springing Ahead and I was so mad at Daylight Savings Time because I needed that hour for sleeping!

And then when we go to the field in the morning it is still dark! Which has its advantages because, under cover of night, I can steal the ball.

I steal it from this one!

Be honest, who has better catching form? Don't worry, you won't hurt Ethel's feelings.

There's also been a bit of this, but only by the harsh light of day.

I also like to play pounce. How come no other dogs seem to like this game? (By the way, I always pounce. Never the pouncee. Those are the rules of this game.)

And there has been roaching. Always the roaching.

I hope to be able to visit you all SOON. I will get my ma ape a ladder so she can get over herself and set some priorities.
Labels: ethel, mean ma ape, play, Wally