Hello! Do you remember me, BIG RED JR (aka Derrick)? Well this week was the best evah for adoptions at the
SPCA and yet I'm still here! (G'bye to Drrrty DE Dexter and Billie Jean!). That's because I was BOOOORN to live at Wally's house, doncha think? Let's meet some of my friends.
I believe I can fly! I believe I can touch the skyyyy!

This is Nazz, he's an American boo-dog not a rapper, and he's VERY BIG so it is hard for him to get off the ground to FLY. He's flying under the radar. See his pretty eyes? One blue, one brown. Totally bromance-worthy.

This is Fly Monique/Mom. She had a litter of pups a coupla months ago. Her pups are in foster and she needs a HOME! She's totally sweet and look at her ears! One ear UP, one ear DOWN! Totally romance worthy.

And this crazy dude is ROCKY---AAADRIAAANNN! He's just a wee pit pup.

And this lil' lady named Angel does not fly but she is special because she got thrown out of a car by BIG TIME JERKS. She is very nice and she gets a little more certain every day that no one will hurt her. We're going to teach her how to be a Fly Girl!

Maybe next week I will be gone! And then what will you do? Miss me?
Labels: adoption, dogs rule, pit bulls, rescue, spca