We had a TERRRRRRRRIBLE weekend and everyone should feel really sorry for us (and prolly send us snacks). We were very excited for the World Cupables and a weekend of good footie. But things got off on the wrong foot when I got into the RRRRRONDO car! (See ya in my Kia!)

I am most gentlemanly in the car and when we put the seats down I can lounge like a
lady totally cool bro of leisure. I figured we MUST be going somewhere PAWESOME. Maybe to see my
besties? Or to the dog park? Or the swimming pool?

NO! We took a wrong turn and wound up at the VET's OFFICE! I was even most helpful and showed the ma ape where the door is. Let's goooooo! But she was too dumb to escape when we had the chance. I got my annual poke n' grope and when they weighed me I was 78.6! Almost 80 pounds! I am bigger than Otis! I am almost a man!

And afterwards I got to go to the dog foodable store to pick out snacks which was pawesome until I YELLED at the dudes working in the store. Ooops.

Then things were looking up! WHOA!

In spite of this pho-to MY TEAM Germany beat Uruguay to get THIRD PLACE which is what ETHEL sez I win in our house! THIRD OF THREE! I WIN! Then it was time for the BIG GAME. Otis was very excited because our bud
Joe Stains is a Netherlands fan and we wanted to root for the BIG ORANGE!

But when it got started this is how we looked:

Eyes wide shut!

Because this happened:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Those Spaniards won! And we know who to blame!
Paul the Octopus! He's in Germany and was correct in every game that he picked! Including picking Spain! How could you do that to us Paul?
So we had one way to blow off our angrysteam. EAT PAULYMELON! OM NOM NOM!

Take that Paul!

Note: No octopi were harmed in the making of this post.
Labels: ethel, germany, occasional oscar, oscar, otis, soccer, wallymelon, world cup