Monday, July 18, 2011

I Scream for Norwood!

Our friend Norwood's burpday was on Saturday, National Ice Cream Day was Sunday so we combined the event in one massive ice cream eating binge! Here is a little sampling.

Ed caught some of the drips so Ethel had to give him a little tongue bath.

The apes did some grillies!

Look at all this food!  Maple/soy tempeh, red peppers, grilly kohlrabi, mango/jicama salad, tasties squashes, cherry chutney. And none for us just because we were producing massive amounts of natural gas!

Ma ape also made apple pie ice cream for the apes to eat after watching the World Cup because they really needed to refuel after all of that vigorous soccer watching.

Happy burpday Nordude!  Stay cool!

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Edgrr had a Little Lime: An Epic Adventure

Shorter than The Lord of the Rings trilogy, no less thrilling.

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