meet the griffon!

this is griffon! he lives in indiana but needs a home. he looks AWESOME. that mouth is just ready to be filled with snacks.
i got this link from ms. shelley jackson (a fantastic writer) on wall-o-weenie. when it said a MuTT test i though it was a test to determine if you belong to the greatest club on earth, the mutts! but actually it asks "what kind of a mutant are you?" and you can do a test to find out!
Barb Dougherty, a 30-year Postal Service employee, said she was attacked and bitten Monday by a squirrel while delivering mail in Oil City, about 75 miles north of Pittsburgh.
"It was a freak thing. It was traumatic," Dougherty told The Derrick in Oil City. "I saw it there on the porch, put the mail in the box and turned to walk away and it jumped on me."
in the spirit of wall-o-ween and telling stories around the campfire to scare the crap out of children, i give you an array of terrifying beasts to inspire fear. no, this dog ain't afraid of politics (non-political canines may wish to avert their eyes but don't sniff these butts. they're stinky. and not in a good way.).