Today is Boxing Day and also St. Stephen's Feast and my good pal Gus has written me a wonderful tune to celebrate the day on which we are to give prezzies to the less fortunate. You can find the lyrics on
his blog and sing along as you look at these pictures of me enjoying my pawliday.
On Christmas Eve my Auntie Claus arrived from
Sweden the North Pole and brought good cheer and prezzies for all. I felt good enough to eat a chew with both of my teeth!

And I got a new buffalo that I can wear as a snazzy faux fur coat.

Or vanquish with great relish.

And because I have been extra special good I got ANOTHER lamb leg!

Which my ma ape did butcher with great skill and flourish (and a little bit of gagging). WARNING: GRAPHIC MEATY PHOTO! And yes, that is a bloody band-aid from where she did nearly butcher a bit of her hand.

It has been much fun and also much work to keep track of my pack so I am in great need of a nap here on my nest of a monkey stick, my ma ape's coat that I pulled off the couch, and a Best Friends bag from my besties in the Brat Pack. Ahhhhh.

I hope everyone remembers the less fortunate today. My ape has purchased some bags of supplies to give to the dogs at the SPCA in honor of Gus and his mad songwriting skills. May all dogs follow in my footsteps to find wonderful new homes:
Therefore, all ye dogs, be sure,Wealth or rank possessing,Ye who now will bless the poor,Shall yourselves find blessing.Labels: family, food, holiday, lamb, play, Wally