Your Cheatin' Heart
So my ma ape has been neglecting me. But now it has gotten worse. Do you remember two weeks ago when Elliot Spitzer, the governor of New York, had to have that totally embarrassing press conference where he had to get up and admit he'd been visiting prostitutes. Well, it' time for my ma ape to FESS UP because I know she has been CHEATING ON ME. I found dog hairs on her collar. Smelled belly rubs on her hand. Could see dried smooches on her cheeks.
First, let me remind you what she has at home. Cute:


And then I found this on her camera:

Look at that attention hound! I could do that for her at home!

He thinks he's special cuz he has a big head.

And a grotesquely large tongue.

That hangdog face. Pa-thetic.

And look at this spazzy girl.

Oh, and I suppose this guy thinks he's cute. What-ever! Everyone knows I have the corner on the big headed black dog market.

Turns out my ma ape went to the SPCA with Narra's ape to walk the dogs and take pictures. Guess who had to stay home. Me and sissy spent all day keeping interlopers away by shouting at them. And this is the thanks we get.