Your Boyfriend's Back!
Yes I'm back! My ma ape was away and I was really mad because I saw she was going to the Dessert. And I wondered--pie or cake? Will it be Ala Mode? But then she explained that when it has one s it is skinny and it is a Desert.
First she had to go to SAN DIEGO and I'm totally mad because my girl Randi said I could have come and stayed at HER HOUSE but my ma ape said she had to go to a con-fur-ence. And I have FUR. But I didn't get to go. She had this picture from San Diego which is the land of giant lobsters:

It may be for the best because I don't like the heat and while she was gone I got a BOX filled with snackeroonies and ticker meds and someone had to guard the box.

And also I had to taste test the products--I approve! Now I have SO MANY blogs to catch up on!
Labels: cali, mad, mean ma ape, Wally
Well I'm sure Ethel would have been lonely if you had it's good you stayed with her! Welcome back!
Lots of licks, Ruby
Mistress thinks Palm Dessert looks cool. Although she doesn't normally like dessert.
I have to say I keep warning everydog about letting these silly flowers infiltrate our blogs. These are dogblogs not flower blogs.
Good to see you back anyway although a pic of Ethel would have been appreciated too.
PS I think you mean *our* girl Randi.
Oh Wally, I love you. Next time your ma ape goes away, you sneak on a plane dressed as an old woman and come stay with me. I will ply you with baquette and fromage and then ignore you for hours. You can play with all my toys except the sock monkey and I bet my ape will let you sleep on the bed.
glad your back
Wally...You were close to us too! You totally should have made the trip!
omdog we are so glad you are back!! Us dogs are in the desert, are we fugitives?!
Hi, Wally!
Sure is nice to see you again! I hope you ma ape's trip was great!
Kisses and hugs
Yay! The Wally is back and Ethel too! Hope that ape of yours had a good time and didn't get attacked by that glandular lobster without you to protect her.
wags from the whippets
I think the heat might have baked your brain. We can't have that happen.
Giant flying lobsters are all over the West Coast or so I am told. I haven't seen any as of yet, but tomorrow is another day.
Hope your Ma Ape learned bunches at her con fur sense.
Welcome back Wallytamale! Hmm, looks like your mom had an adventure there. ooh, what's that she brought back for you guys?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
We didn't know that lobsters fly in San Diego! Good thing you stayed home where you were safe from those huge claws!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
No dogs, what sort of a place is that? Doesn't look like much fun anyway.
Simba x
That lobster looks mucho scary!
Probably best you stayed with the other ape and protected him.
Hi Wally! We're sure glad your ma ape made it some safely! We're pretty sure you were glad to see her! That ginormous lobster looks very scary!
Poppy & Penny
The desert sounds wonderful right now.
I'm now wary of the huge flying lobsters of Sandy Eggo!
It's good you stayed home. That is a scary looking lobster. And it's good to see you back.
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