Pawlitical Savvy!
Do you guys know who THIS handsome devil is? It's LENNY, the terrier who is terrin' up Indiana. He's one of my newest buds AND I couldn't EVEN believe it when I got a PACKAGE from Indiana! From Lenny! (If you hadn't figured that out).
Like me, Lenny is barkin' for Barack. And so Lenny sent me a prezzie!
The card said that her ma ape thought my ma ape might like some Barack Buttons.

But I think they look quite lovely on MONKEY STICK (I passed on having them pinned to my chest).

Here we are shouting "YES WE CAN (have more snacks)!!!"

Yup, Obama has captured the vital monkey stick and corgador demographics. Thanks Lenny!
And if you missed Barack's speech today--here he is! If you hear any honking and squeaking in the background, that's just Monkey Stick. He gets excited sometimes.
Labels: friends, Lenny, monkey stick, Obamamama, politics, stuffies, Wally
Grammie loves to listen to someone who can vocalize with intelligence. Do you suppose he is related to the clan that Othello is from, being Irish and all? We do not think you are having a stroke in the previous blog. We love your sultry look.
cool buttons just don't bite them. ALSO Tanner in his usual state of confusion made reference to a certain part of Wally anatomy, I am sorry.
I sure wish I could vote in your election, but I can bark for Obama at least.
Neato buttons, Wally! That was so nice of Lenny to send them to you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We're barking for Obama in GooberStan (glad they finally decided to count our vote)!
That Lenny is quite the dude! You'll love having him for a friend. He's one well-informed dog (even if he IS a big 10 fan).
Goober love & smooches,
Obama has the Chihuorgi vote too! In fact, I think all half-Corgis, and all us mixed breeds out there saw in that speech that Obama really understands and cares about us--no, not dogs (still waiting for the direct appeal to that constituency, but since we don´t vote, I might as well keep waiting)--but us, the mixed-breeds, the half black (Lab), half Mexican, half European (these are metaphorical halves, I can do the math) that make up 21st century America.
Fortunately my mom likes him too, I don´t know what I´d do if I lived with a Republican.
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