Another Super Tuesday!
Tomorrow will be an incredibly important, even historic, day in American pawliticks. Ohio, Texas, Vermont, and Rhode Island will be voting and it will be time for an underrepresented group finally find a voice in American politics. I have been working very hard to ensure a high turn out. I've been canvassing the neighborhood, sending loads of pee-mails and shouting at everyone who walks by my door. Since I don't live in any of these states my efforts may be wasted. But no one can say I have not been paw-litically active. Why? Because my bud Ernest is running. And, frankly, it is time for a short-legged guy to win the presidency! And look! He has t-shirts AND stickers. That shows some major ambition:

Look at his cool logo!

Yes, I believe it is time to end the tyranny of long-legged Presidents and let a short-legger/roachin' king take the reins:

And for those of you who are skeptical that a short-legger can do the job? That we're not temperamentally suited to do the job? That we'll be soft on defense and too emotional? I would beg to differ. Anything you can do, a short-legger can do. And with more panache.
Short-leggers can fly:

And use our legs as perfect bully strap holders.

We can defy gravity with just one ear.

Also, it is Ernest's burpday this week so if he doesn't win at least he'll get loads of attention and stuff.
Labels: dogs with blogs, ernest, friends, pawliticks, president, Prez 08, Wally
Grammie and I both have short legs. We totally agree with you that a short legger could do the job.
I have no doubt that Ernest would be a great ruler. GREAT! We can't wait to get our sticker!
Oh man Wally, I am checking the mail five times a day. I just can't wait to get those stickers.
You know what? It just occurred to me that my biped cousin (my mom's niece) is like the perfect ape for you to hang out with because she has super short legs too. She's an official little person. I think she might even have a seal of approval or something. If she doesn't, my mom is going to get one made for her (she's that cool .. my cousin, not my mom.)
SB ... posting in disguise
Where did you find that dual pizzle?
How did you do that thing with your ear? Neat trick.
Simba x
We love Ernest's logo! Very cool!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
My legs are pretty short too so I'm backing Ernie too!
Hey, short-legged doggies can do great stuff too ya know even Agility!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Power to the short-legged!!! Woot...I think my Mom falls into that category too because she is short too!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I am a long-legger but I am all for the short-leggers! Go Ernest! Wally, when are YOU going to enter pawlitics? You seem to have a lot of savvy. I will be your Indiana campaign manager.
Good luck tonight to Ernest!
Your friend, Lenny
Hi Wally,
I went and said hi to that super cool basset boy, Ernest.
He is quite the politician! And yes, it's definitely time a 4-legger got into the white house!
I was wondering, if we took over the white house would our you-mans be considered the presidential pets?
Bussie Kissies
Dearest Wally,
I heart you and ethel and your mom.
Anything would be an improvement.
wags from the whippets
Walls, Mommy has come up with Hillary's WIN strategy. She should have a press conference and announce that to assure unity, if nominated, she will ask Obama to be her VP. It will undercut him. If he says he wouldn’t consider it, he looks selfish; if he says he’s going to be the nominee, he looks arrogant.
Bussie Kissies
Wally! My mom watched the Project Runway finale today too, and funny thing. The whole time, I was thinking how fierce you would be on that catwalk. I can't wait to see photos of you in your new duds dude!
P.S. Ask your ape, MLA or APA?
P.P.S. Also, does she mind if I only use small words like sit and sentences like Sophie, that's enough! ?
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