Burpday Morning!
It's my BUUUURPDAY! Yes, five year ago TODAY I rescued my ma ape! It has been a great day so far.
First, my card from Ike Ike Baby arrived!

And then the snow that Sophie sent arrived from Montreal! (It does have a slight French accent)

I got a pink ball to give you in exchange for the snow, Sophs, but you have to come pry it from my goobery jaws!

And it was chicken backs for breakfast. Yesterday we got snozzles for our post-breakfast snack so I can't wait to see what the ma ape will give us today! WOOOO!

I can't WAIT for the rest of the day (so I'm napping so I will be wide awake for it!) My ma ape said I get the monkey stick later. So we'll all find out what the h&*$ a monkey stick is!
Also I've had lots of friends tell me that they have donated to shelters and rescues and dogs in needs. You guys rock! That's the best gift a guy could get, to know that with our help another dog might have found a home today.
Happy Barkday Wally - hope you have a wonderful day buddy.
happy Burpday to my BFF. Maybe your day be filled with lots of meatables.
Happy Burpday Dude!
Hope your day is filled with endless pig snouts!
Happy Burpday Wally! I would do anything to pry that pink ball from your goobery jaws, but truth be told, I would probably just stand there and bark at you until you dropped it, and then I'd bark at you to throw it.
I hope you have the best day ever and I hope a whole bunch of pups get adopted today, and all get named Wally, after you, even if they are girls.
Happy Burrrpday, Wally! Rest up so you can stay up late and party :-)
The FleasGang
happy burpday to you, happy burpday to you, happy burpday dear wally t. corgador.........happy burpday to you!!! W00t!
I hope you have a great day! Mom and I will be making a donation in your name to our favorite BT rescue group Wonder Dog Rescue. We tried to find a corgador rescue, but we couldn't!
Lots of Loving Licks, Ruby (and Michele too!)
Yes, Wally...we too looked for a corgador rescue and could not find one listed. A failure to Goog or something. So, that can be your first big project after you finish celebrating your barkday...found a corgador rescue! You can do it. You ARE the corgador.
happy barkday
HaPpY bUrPdAy To YoU!
We love you Wally Tamale! Have a great day!
Love & Licks,
Happy, Happy Barkday, Wally! We wish you a gazillion more! Have a really great day!!!!
Poppy & Penny
Happy barkday, burpday! Grammie loves your alien eyes in the snow. She said that she would make a donation to the Columbia Humane Society in your name. I can't wait to see a monkey stick. Do you think it is that part of the monkey like the bully stick is on a bull?
Hey pal, have a great day. Can't wait to hear about the monkey stick! J x
I just read Ruby's blog & saw it was your special day.
Happy Burpday, Wally!
Make the most of it all day long!
Mom said they had MINI wallymelons at trader joes and I wanted to buy all of them but she said NO. sorry dude, I guess its just the donatables this year. HAPPY BURPDAY!!!!!!
Is the snow still coming down at your house, Wally? We sure hope so! Have a happy birthday!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
woofies Wally...nice to meeteded u, and happy burpday...me hopies u gits all the meatables u wants...heehee and snow too...
b safe,
Happy Birthday Wally! I am very curious about the monkey stick. I can't wait to find out what it is.
Happy Burpday to you, Wally! I hope you have a great one!
You got SNOW on your birthday? Lucky you!
My poem for Wally on his Burpday, as promised.
"Happy Burpday Wally, the unbeatable Corgador,
Lovely, Jubbley Wally, the one we all adore.
His love for vegetables, meatables is a total legend,
His roachin' and his smoochies,
he is our bestest friend.
He is the very best pal a Dog could ever know,
We love him in the summer, we adore him in the snow.
So Happy, Happy, Burpday Wally,
May this day be sweet and jolly.
You are heads above the Rest -
perhaps not in stature,
but in big heart and love you are the very best."
My Poem dedicated to you - Sweet dreamable, eatable, meatable, Wally! Many Roaches to you, friend across the ocean.
love and poetic, well not too good poetic licks, but still, I am off form, but the words are meant true and I only hope I have spelled Corgador correctly!
Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxx
This is as bad as Valentine's Day I have to come round twice 'cos we are a few hours ahead. Ah well, happy birthday again pal.
Did you get that nice tennis ball from ETHEL? I told her to buy you one 'cos then she can steal, I mean, have it when you are fed up.
Yo Wally! Happy Burpday Dude. You're sure one spoiled pooch.
luv ya,
Lola Smiles
Feliz CumpleaƱos Wally!
I am sure you had a great day!
Kisses and hugs
Happy, Happy Barkday to you!! Looks like you had a very Pawsome day :)
Peace + Paws,
The Zoo Crew
Happy gotcha day, Wally! We can't believe you got SNOW for your birthday! Congratulations. We're celebrating your birthday late - we got snow tomight, too!
Thanks, Wally!
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