The Yin and Yang of Eatables
The New York Times has a story this week called "I Love you but you Eat Meat" about how dietary particularities can cause the demise of a relationship. This made me think about me n' my ma ape. Me n' my sissy are big fans of a little meatable eatable.

My ma ape, however, is a veganable. Here is vegan Mac Daddy.

But me and my ma ape get along like Peanut Butter and Bananas! I am thinking about writing a song--to the tune of "Ebony and Ivory" called "Meatable and Vegetable." I have warned my ma ape, however, that I have not ruled out eating HER should she keep me on this diet too long. Here I am basting her:

Labels: Chef Ma Ape, ethel, food, Wally
Variety makes the world an exciting place. Ma Ape can vegan and you can meatable. That is called tolerance and love.
Hey Wally Tamale!
(I can call you that, right?)
I think you better warn your ma ape about your SISSY eating her FIRST! Look at her ferocious teethies in that first pick! But please don't eat your ma ape, cuz your Sissy wouldn't be too good in the kitchen making your food...she'd eat it first & then give you an empty plate & then probably just laugh...then you'd starve & that would be WAY WORSE than a diet...just ponder the thought..
Love & Licks,
ps..Ma-Ape? Are you there? Better sleep with one eye open from now on...
My moms are not vegans, but they are vegetarians. They give me meaty kibble, luckily, but not usually meaty treats.
Hey Wally. I love meatables. But my dad is a vegetarian. My mom likes meatables, but she doesn't eat red meatables. My mom asked my vet about me eating meatables and he said I shouldn't eat them, but every now and then I got some meaty treats.
My vet did say that we should all respect each other's meatable eatables choices. I wish they would respect mine! I want more meat! ;)
Your fried, Lenny
Hey, Wally! Happy Birthday! We'll be gone on the day so we wanted to tell you now! Hope you get all the meatables your heart desires! You sure are lucky to get all that gramny love!
You and your Ma ape seem to be doing fine. You get all the meatables and some of the vegamables, and she gets some vegamables too. Right? So it is a "win win" situation there.
you and your mama have things just right.
my jeannie who is so tired tonight she cannot be asked to press down the shift key for capital letters..........
just adores vegan food.....well she asked me whether eating peanut butter outta thejar counts....?
Marv xxxxxxxxxx
but see that's where your ma ape rocks. She understands you can not live on veggies alone.
Hi, Wally!
We all know how much your ma ape loves you! Sure its not easy for her to give you all the meatables!
Kisses and hugs
My what big toothies you have. Glad your Ma Ape knows how much you need your meat, but those vegies can be yummers too, you know, expecially brocollis.
What pretty teefies you have!
Can one really survive without meat?
wally dude, meat rocks! love your blog.
wigglebutt wags,
We love meat too. How can humans live without it we will never understand. We are sure glad that some of them still do so we can find great bone treasures at the lake..
Mom read that story too, since our Dad hates food. I still don't know why she goes on and on about eating by herself when she could easily prepare a portion for me to have!
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