Doofus in my House!
As many of you know, Joe Stains' brother Tanner (aka Doofus) has a broken butt. Well, I have uncovered further evidence that my sissy may, in fact, be suffering from doofusitis. I give, you exhibit one: the broken butt. A little over a month ago her butt exploded. It healed but she had to go back to the vet today to have him blow it up for her before it exploded. Here's how I discovered it:
OMD! What's that smell!

Odor coming from this general direction.

Hmmm--getting warmer. And stinkier.

The stink intensifies.



Yup, the Doofus has landed.

Dear Dr. Wally,
I am worried that I might be suffering by Doofusitis too. My butt is stinky and pinky and about to blow up. My mom is madly defrosting a turkey neck and mumbling something about anal glands and needing to call Auntie Judy, my vet. I fear that you won't love me anymore.
Forlorn and Uncomfortable in Montreal
Glad you made a clean get away, Wally! WHEW!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Normally I like a good smelly butt. But not if it's a sick butt.
I hope your Sissy is OK. In the Butt dept. She'll always be a Doofus.
That smell might just be the WORST possible smell on the whole planet. I wish I could offer you some sort of cure for Doofusism, but so far it eludes me.
Ethel seems supremely unconcerned about her brokenness. And perhaps slightly oblivious.
yikes, I use to get those smelly butts when I was younger when things use to scare the beejeebies outa me. Haven't had it happen in a while. My human is pretty happy about that too.
I sure hope you sweet sistah feels better soon.
Wigglebutt wags,
Lola Smiles
Hi, Wally!
Sure that was a graphic inspection of Ethel!
Better be away in case something stinky happens!
Kisses and hugs
Our servant squeezes ours whenever she gives us a b.a.t.h. Now do you understand why we want to trade her in?
heads hangin' from the whippets
Hey Wally! Next time I suggest taking a very long stick to see if your sissy's but are pretty brave to get so close!
Love & Licks,
At least you didn't get your nose stuck.
Oh having a broken butt isn't good. Glad ethels didn't explode again though
Exploding Ethel, my goodness that is a worry!
I thought the pictures in your next post, were actually more Ethel like than Wally like, I don't think you need to worry about cloning,
after all there is ONLY ONE WALLY!
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