What am I doing?

Why? I am shocked AND appalled. And then just mad. I saw my ma ape with a bag. And I love her bag because I love to sleep in luggage. Especially if it is filled with dirty clothes. But then I found out. She is going here:

Yes, California. She is flying all the way across the country without ME. I promised to pack light, needing only my bikini and my boogie board. But she said. No dogs allowed. She has carefully packed up all of our brekkies and our din dins so the other ape can feed us. She has exercised us and given us attention. But still, why must she abandon us?
So when we went to the field to get some exercise I made sure to wander through all the mud puddles to get good and dirty.

And sissy and I did our best cute faces to keep her here.

Not even an alluring display of my belly, ready for rubbin' could tear her away from her plans.

I am looking westward, pensive. I'd better get some darned good snacks out of this deal. Westward ho.

See you all next week. Unless my ma ape abandons me for sunny So Cal. Sniff. Not that I'm a mama's boy. Sniff.
Labels: ethel, ma ape, mad, Wally, westward ho
You, my woober friend, ARE a mama's boy, and I think you should wear that distinction proudly! I know you'll miss the ma ape, but she's got to earn the duckets to buy your bones, and I have a feeling this is one of those things that will insure your culinary future.
So, hard as it is, buck up, buddy. I'm sending extra loads of goober smooches your way to keep you warm! I'd rub your belly if I had a touch screen!
You and Ethel be good to the other ape (who ARE they, by the way? We never get to see them. Are they camera shy like my girl?)!
Goober love & smooches,
being a mama's boy isn't bad. I'm a mama's boy. I can't believe we won't hear from you for a week
WHAAT! A week without Wally! No corgador and Ethel photos for seven days? No roaching photos for muzzer? No humping photos for Teka Toy?
Look. We are already having serious Barkalot withdrawal, I don't know if we can handle this too!
You tell Ma Ape that she needs to find a computer (they have them in CA.) and borrow some time so she can transcribe notes from her phone coversations with you to keep us posted!
And why is she not stopping in Azrizona to squeeze the Gussie?
no kissies for her
Oh no! Our hoomans MUST be banned from going anywhere without us!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Foley is a Grammie's boy. He understands how you feel.
Tell Ma Ape to wave at us from So. Cal. though we are unsure why she would want to go there. Is she going to Disneyland? Maybe to the Redwoods? Is she taking surfing lessons?
We are glad that you will have the comfort of the other ape who we call Thing from the Adamm's Family. Cause we have only seen the hand. It will be better than going to the dog hotel.
O'bama is going to be in Portland on Friday. Grammie has to work, so we will watch on the TV.
I am shocked that your cute belly didn't stop her travels. Just amazed!
Maybe you should stage a strike. No peeing outside until she returns.
- Charlie
We understand totally, Wally! Our mom left us in dad's care while she flew to FL! It wasn't so bad! Mitch got to drink beer! Maybe this could happen to you too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Yeah, my mom travelled a lot this spring and it was tough. But trust me, I came with her once--and you do not want to go in a plane. I have some choice posts on this issue, if you're interested.
Doggie airlines, people, let's get organizing!
Hi Wally
I miss you
I'm sowwy youw Mom's going away....I wish you'd visit me sometime..I do love you and hope you have a vewy Happy Eastew
smoochie kisses,
Hi, Wally!
Your ma ape will be away for a week? What are we going to do without you for a week??
Be a good boy and take care of Ethel and the other ape, ok!
Kisses and hugs
Do you think your ma ape will pay a visit to Randi? I sure will miss you and your bloggin.
This is unhappy news, indeed. We will miss you, but send you postive thoughts.
(And btw our servant shaped up pretty much when we put the ad on Craig's list looking for a new one... Just a suggestion.)
wags from the whippets
omdog, CALIFORNIA?! That is a bazillion miles away from you! What in the heck is she thinking? I hope she is at least going for something fun. I also hope she brings you back something pawesome.
Maybe you can sneak into her suitcase. Sorry your blue. I hate being left home.
What is wrong with your ape?
A whole WEEK!!!??? That's too long to be without a Wally fix. Sigh.
I bet your Mummy will miss you much more then you miss her.
Simba x
Abandonded for a whole week? I hope she is going to CA to pick out some extra special treats just for you!
Love your blues singin face.
Poor Wally! I don't know what I'd do without my moms!
Oh Wally! We are so sorry. Whenever dad leaves, I, Princess, just know it's a punishment. I get very sad. When he comes back it makes me happy. Once Dad was in California for 6 weeks. Isaac stayed with our friend Blue (A Catahoula, not the English Gal)and he took us. It took me forever to figure out where to go potty. We got to swim in the ocean. That was really weird. We went to a lake, too. During the day dad left us in doggie day care (It was only $8/day). He pickd us up after work. On the weekends we went on trips. We met his sister and her pups and their pack leader. We liked them, especially the potty chair, but they didn't like us that much. Oh well. Sometimes there were other newfs at the doggie day care just like us! But there were never any Wallys! Ask your mom what city she's going to! You can look at the funny pictures of us on our blog and maybe they'll make you laugh. All the coffee houses and libraries have computers so your mom can tell us stories about you with no pictures. Unless of course the other ape joins the 20th century and learns to upload.
WHAT????????????? Why the heck didn't your ma ape swing down here & drop you & Ethel off at the Randi Refuggee Camp for Black & White paw pawed pups? I think she made a SERIOUS error in judgement...we all would have had a blast together!
I'll be missing you like crazy till next week, my dear Wally-Tamale...
Love & Licks,
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