Saturday, August 27, 2011

Waitin' for Irene

We're in the Mid-Atlantic waiting for Ms. Irene to drop by. She's been dropping some rains on us since 10 a.m. and the center should be here between 4-5. This is most troubling to our ma ape because we do not like to pee in the rain. Especially Ethel Jean. We also have a touch of the cabin fever which makes us a bit wild, especially on the porch where there is NO MORE FURNITURE right now. Here's some fun with Irene. Let's hope our night time is not as wild as we are!

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wordless Dirty Wednesday

Not what you were expecting?

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summetime Blues and Sophie's Balls

Summer burpdays are gone.  The apes will be going back to school.  And so it was time to finish the summer with one of my favorite things. TENNY BALLS!  When she visited in June, Sophie brought ME these fancy balls all the way from Montreal! NOT FOR BOYS.

As you can see, they fit perfectly in my mouth and match my furs beautifully.

They are quite excellent for catching and fetching as they are not easily lost.

And when the Super Teen tried to steal my balls like a little jerkazoid, the little man helped me out!  I'm the only one he listens to (ma ape included)

I was most busy with the catcherating and fetcherating.  HA!

While I was most busy with the balls the boys were luxuriating.  OBST needs to rethink his bathing in dirty water strategy.

Ed and Oatie just lazed about in the shade.

Otis may be a little tired after he gorged on some dirt.

Thanks much, Sophie, my lovely pal to the North!  Next time you visit we will have more of that wallymelon for you to snack on.  And NO BOYS ALLOWED!

Enjoy the tail end of summer!

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Growing Up

Here's a video in which Ed reflects on growing up. He included scenes from his very damp burpday party interspersed with some memories from his first year. See if you can spot Ms. Sophie Brador and our friends Narra & Tuchuck and their foster bro Tucker.

(For the record, Ed would like to say that candy is as delicious as ever.)

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy Burpday to Ed!

A little over a year ago our friend Theo's Ape texted our ma ape a photo.

This dog was at the SPCA after being found wandering and no one came to claim him. One of the kennel staff thought she'd keep him but she didn't. And so he was alone and afraid at the shelter so our ma ape brought him home just for the weekend so he could not have to be in the big bad sheltered while he waited to get neutered and adopted. IT HAS BEEN A LONG WEEKEND! We made this for the little monster for his burpday.

If we are JUST getting to the terrible twos? Oh lord. Send help please.

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