Dear Huskers,
You all know that I am a football fan. And, in particular, I am a Cornhusker. And here is the face of a disappointed dog.

You lost. And you didn't just lose. You lost 76 to 39. To KANSAS. Now, no offense to Kansas but that is more points than Kansas scored in the entire decade of the 80s against the Huskers! (Ah, I remember it well).
So here is my yell-y coach face.

DUDES! You're embarrassing me! It's quite hard for me to trash talk when you are are stinking worse than my sissy's bum after a meal of pork and beans! So let's GET IT IN GEAR! You have TWO GAMES left. One against some goddamn wildcats and another against the Bail-postin' Buffaloes. WIN ONE FOR THE NIPPER! (I just gave myself that nickname because I nip things to herd them. Get it?)
PS. I'm still available for that coaching job. But don't take too long. I hear the Philadelphia Eagles might be drawing up an offer for me, too.
Labels: cornhuskers, football, huskers, poor Wally, sport, Wally