Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Summertime Chefs

We would like to share with you some of our favorite summertime delicacies for the belly-cacies.  Enjoy!

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Monday, July 04, 2011

4th of Poo-ly!

Happy 4th of July everyone!  It is EDGRR B POOPACABRA'S first fourth of Poo-ly!  We hope everyone is safe from those loud firecracky thingies that drive us batty.  Wally HATED him some firecrackers but we're not so bothered by them. It helps that we are from one of six states that bans 'em (except in sanctioned displays).  Hooray!  What we DO like is BBQ, baby!  And this year our ma ape went and got a GRILL!  I had to show her how to do it right because corgis always know exactly how to do things and we are not shy about telling you.

To do grillings you have to get some charcoals.  I approve!

Fire that sucker up!

Keep a respectful distance from the heats.

 And be careful lest smoke gets in your eye.

Otis likes to show off his patriotism.  Ahem.

As a Philthydelphian (or Philthydelphia adjacent) I like to show off my BRUDDERLY LOVE.

Um, sometimes I get carried way.

Otis helped direct the photo shoots.  We also got some of those shish-ka-boobs!  We love those raw zukes and peppers.  It will make some EPIC gas laters!

Our ma ape needed a lot of supervision.

In fact all of us boys did a good job doing what boys do best--BOSSING and SUPERVISING and MAKING MORE MONEYS.

Ethel kept a respectful distance.

 Even when the tuna steak was on the grill.

Our ape ate corns and barbecued seitan!

And red white and blue puddin with fruits.

We nommed on very patriotic wallymelon.

We pledge allegiance to the melon!  (No photos of me as Land Shark does not give you any time for photos even if you're lucky enough to walk away with your fingers.)

All in all we had a great 4th of poo-ly!  Lounging, eating, posting for photos, being AWESOME.

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