Last night this is how I looked:

But today is a new day and we look like this!

Why so happy? Well, it is still world cup soccer time so I played a little footie first thing in the morning: (Isn't this photo all arty farty. Or just poorly lit.)

And then we went in the outside to have BONES. From piggies.

Tasty! Yes, I am squinting in my photos. Maybe the sun was too bright. Maybe I was hung over. I'll never tell.

My sissy ate hers REALLY FAST.

And then we got to go play in the outside field!
Who do you think is faster? Ethel?

Or the Woober?

And here I stop to gaze at the Cornfield that was recently trampled. What a metaphor for the fate of the Cornhuskers.

Eh, they'll live to play another day. Just like us! Who could be sad on Randay?

P.S. Thanks to Suki Sumo who posted about HER foodables to cheer me up! Thanks my puggy friend!
Labels: bones, ethel, food, meats, play, Wally