Burpdays are the Best Days!

Six years ago TODAY a lady showed up at
Three Rivers Rescue in Snoqualmie Washington (that's where they filmed the intro to Twin Peaks. And yes, I'd like a slice of cherry pie, please. And that fish from the percolator). And I adopted that lady!

Gus asked how old I am and the answer is, a lady never tells. But they thought I was eight at my rescue. My ma ape isn't sure I was that old but it's hard to tell because I have always had
British teeth. And now I'd like to show you my burpday!
First we went to the field and it was RAINING. Of all the nerve!

But I still taught the peppy sheppys a thing or two! And then we came home for STEAKS!

Eat steak, eat steak, eat a big ole steak!

And then my ma ape said that we could go outside (for better light) to open my BIG BOX from GRAMMIE! The sheps offered to help!

But no way Jose am I sharing!

It was ALL great stuff! Apes Apes Apes! I tried to bribe my ma ape with the lovey ape but she said no re-gifting and I didn't want to give it to her anyway.

But look at the best part! Grammie knows me!!!! It's WALL-E! With WALL-Y!!!!

This is the greaterest, Grammie! Thank you so so much!

Then my buds
Narra, Jacks, Tuchuck, Rousseau, and Tanner sent over their ape and I was like, oh yawn, an ape (cuz apes are pretty boring) but then he brought me a BAG from CANANANANADA and while it did not have Sophie or Lola in it, it DID have special Canadian snacks smuggled across the border!

As you can see, they are TAS-TY! They are elk snacks that look like elk poo! YUM.

I had many wonderful burpday wishes from my friends including
Lenny who sent me a loverly card and
Stan who made me some hi-larious art over at his place!

Marvin wrote me a pome!
A Burpday Verse for Wally from Marvin:"Wally, dear Wally, has a burpday coming up,Wally, dear Wally, our dearest blogging pup.How I wish him all the very best across the miles,Lots of burpday gifts and lotsa smiles.Many tasty eatables, meatables and a tennis ball,For in our Hearts, dear Wally will always Walk Tall..........All this burpdayin' has made me very tired so I'm going to get some beauty rest (once I'm done with my Canadian tastyables!) Thank you to everyone who sent me wonderful burpday wishes and, of course, to Grammie who united me with Wall-E! I am the luckiest dog in the world.
Labels: burpday, DWB, friends, meats, play, wall-e, Wally