SPCA Saturday (the Long Overdue Edition!)

This is Edgrr and I'm a bit peeved that there have not been SPCA Saturdays for awhile. And the ape has blamed ME because "puppies are time consuming." WEVS APE, UR LA-Z! (For the olds, that's youngin' talk). She's been going to SEE the dogs but not posting them! So here are some to catch up on.
Emma! Ya, her ears go in two different directions. Mine go in one. I like her look. She likes peoples a LOT.

Coooooooody! He's a slightly older dude who mostly likes maxing and relaxing.

And this is Wiggly Wrigley! (Cubs fan fo sho).

It's a shep with pep! Her owner died and they're trying to find her sons to see if they might want the shep, papillon and kind of mean parrot their mom had. If not, she will make someone an AWESOME friend.

This girl was so afraid in the cage but was sweet outside and it was hard for the ma ape to leave her behind. And I said HEY! That was MY SCAM, lady! Here's hoping y'all find wonderful homes ASAP! And I hope you olds reading this were hip enough to grog my youthful lingo!