Things have been very sad around here lately so I thought I would take this opportunity to wish
Sophie's ape a happy happy birthday and share with you some of the many things that happened that were not sad.
First, my ape has become obsessed with photographically documenting my every cute moment which is every moment which means I do not get a moment's rest from the puparazzi.

I can sort of understand, though, as this is a devastatingly handsome face. I'm sure this is how Angelina Jolie feels. It's not easy being beautiful.

A boy cannot even get a belly rub in peace! (Look at my pawesome corgi ears, though!)

Now things that happened other than the relentless pursuit of the puparazzi. I got a package in the mail!

Pawsonalized snacks! Can you see who is on the bag?

Yes! The only thing tastier than delicious snacks from
The Baker's Dog is being able to look at a picture of myself as I eat them!

I approve.

And my picky sissy goes goofy for them.

And then me and my sibs were caught in the act of conspiring. Our lips are sealed as to what we were up to.

Nothing involving a plan to hypnotize the apes were our amazing eyes. I swear. (Though lamb shanks were purchased. I'm just saying.)

I need to beware of working with this crew, though. They are not reliable partners.

And then I let my brudder go to the dog park to play with his buddy
Tuchuck and be ignored by Chuck's sister Narra.

Chuck brought his brudder, er,
foster brudder (right guys?)
Theo to the park for his coming out party! (I mean coming out
in public, right guys?) And now Oscar has a NEW BESTIE!

Oscar loves him some cookie faces.

Especially the new guy.

I think they are going to run away to Vermont and get married.

If Oscar can catch him.

But, Theo, before you get too confident about your love that dare not bark its name, just remember--there's no love....

Like brudderly love.

The drawback of the puparazzi--I get caught sharing the snuggle ball with my brudder.
Happy burpday, Sophie's ape!
Labels: dog park, ethel, food, friends, narra, oscar, prezzies, puperazzi, tuchuck, Wally