Hellooooo! Ooof!

Too close. Hello, this is Heidi with your
SPCA Saturday. It sure was rainy but it was a great day. My bud FREDDY got adopted! Woo woo! Also a CORGADOR like Wally who was adopted before she could even get her picture struck (or be swooped up by the corgador mama). As you can see, some nimrod cut off my ears but I'm a super nice lady and spent my time outside running in circles and then hugging the lady. So let me introduce you to my be-eared friends. (I think my fetching eyebrow really makes up for my missing ear, don't you think?)

Oh this fellow is special. His name is Theo. He has been getting extra attention from The Patron Saint of Herding Dogs and so the lady took him for a walk. He's a boooorder collie mix. Aren't his spotty ears fetching?

This lady is a Princess! She is insanely affectionate. She is like maybe a whippet mix? (If you saw her from the side you might see.) She has batwing ears! Pretty.

And she's one crafty lady! Here she is getting in the lady's pocket.

Here's Coco. Her family had to give her up because she is 8 and has arfritis and they couldn't afford it or something. She's very very nice and calm but she does have problem with her rear legs and she walks all bow legged like a cowboy! Cowboy Coco with ears that can hear a cowbell from a mile away. She just can't walk very fast.

Woot! Here is Harriet! She is some manner of hound mix. Very nice lady who had pups at some point in time. She has lovely hound-shaped ears to go with her lovely-hound shaped head.

Here's BOUNCER! Funny name, right? But nice guy and boy does he have a set of ears on him!

And that guy in front is BRUISER (also a funny name!) who looks just like a shorter Bouncer with dangly ears instead of pointy up ones.

And Bruiser is playing with Beast T. Beefcake! Beastie has a big head and big ears which he does NOT use to hear whenever anyone is asking him to do something--he's all "Huh? What? Oooooh! Let's hump Bruiser!"

It was rainy and hard to focus and also these little pits with big heads move too fast for the camera!

Wheeeee! Fun day at the SPCA. Don't forget to spay and neuter your
humans pets.
Labels: adoption, dogs rule, ear docking, pit bulls, rescue, spca