Hiyeeee! Welcome to the first and only blog by Waylon "Rat Boy" Pit Boo Puppy!

Wally didn't like me and I made his face do this! (See his eyebrows? Those are nervousboy eyebrows!)

I don't know why just cuz I did bitey bitey bitey cheeks! But Wally said I could blog about my BIG WEEKEND at his house which was TOTALLY FUNLIKE! Ok first here is part of my fam.

I had one brudder an four sissies all born at the SPCA! Here's me n' my brudder playin'.

Nomnom puppy playtime! I am on the bottom here.

Then I went to a new house and I am so brave that I like to explore everything.

And I like to put everything in my mouth! Here I am with a piece of ce-ment in my mouth.

And here I am eating a tree.

And I had two different kinds of favorite toys. I liked the toys that Wally's friends The Brat Pack sent. See?

And even though they got me lots and lots of expensive puppy toys my other favorite toy was PLASTIC BOTTLES! NOMNOM.

And then here's my other favorite toy OSCAR BEAN. He followed me everywhere and he loved to put me in his mouth and it was SO FUN.

The lady said I had MOXIE but I thought I got shots for that.

One of my OTHER favorite things to do was HUMP and here are some things that I humped: the naked apes, Ethel's legs, Oscar's legs, Oscar's butt, Oscar's tail, Wally's tail, feet, Wall-E, every stuffy I came in contact with, a pile of dirty clothes. You get the picture. Here I am checking out where I was GLUED SHUT after my neutering. I wanted to make sure nothin' bad happened after a particularly vigorous morning with Wall-E.

Here I am distracting the ma ape by blowing raspberries at the ma ape while I get ready to do a sneak attack on her foot. Should I nibble the toes or hump it? MAYBE BOTH!

Here I am in JAIL even though I only had ONE ACCIDENT because I put everything in my mouth and COULD NOT BE TRUSTED. Whatever. I have a plastic bottle and a stuffy.

But I am SO MAD I have to be in jail even though I have toys. I want the OscarToy on the outside!

At the new house I ate many tasty things like frozen applesauce, chicken necks, lambs, chicken livers, and frosty paws!

I like it!

More raspberries. Just cuz.

I am going to miss my best bud OscarToy. He gave me regular baths in his mouth.

But I am moving on to new exciting adventures!

Nice to
hump know ya!
Labels: play, puppies, sad, waylon
Waylon, it sounds like an exciting weekend. I am sure you will have many more exciting days ahead. We hope you have a happy, happy puppy life.
Oh Waylon!
Maybe woo khan play it in Lukhkanbakhk TexasS -
Woo are too khute not to find some other things to hump!
Oh Waylon!
You are just the most precious little Rat Boy I've ever seen in my entire life! I'm very sad that WallyTamale gave you the veto...but now you know what a wonderful doghouse should consist of & I know your new family is gonna love you just like the MaApe & WallyTamale & Ethel & Oscar BS Teen Stuffie Toy...
I am sending you all my good vibes & pawsitive energy, Waylon-Boy...may you have a fun filled foodable filled funnerest life!
Love & Licks,
Och! Waylon we hardly knew ye.
gudsie d
What a cute little rat boy you are. I like to eat ce-ment too so I guess you must be pretty smart. You learned a lot over the weekend.
Maybe your new family will have an Oscar toy for you.
Those were some seriously worried eyebrows! Pooor wally! Sorry you can't stay but like Randi said, that is what a good home is like and we are sure Wally's ma ape will find another good one. She helps lots of homeless pups so you are in good hands. Plus with your smoosh face lots of naked apes will want you!
Moose + Dana
my mom says she wishes you were at my spca so she could come and rescue you....she says next to me you are the cutest little guy she ever seen....so you think the spca will mail you here???? I am happy you had a great vacation weekend buddy....but Wally is a special guy and we wouldnt want to upset him...and if you need my address just let me know okay....
Where are you going? You are too young to be out by yourself. Take care little one.
Buddy! You were so lucky to spend the weekend with the ma ape...I'm trying to get shipped there myself. I bet you're gonna have a fabufantastic life with your new family and they'll give you more plastic bottles than you can handle!
Catch ya on the flip side!
ha ha ha! A hump fest eh? That sounded an amazing fun time..........
I am honoured to meet you, and read your blog post!
lotsalicks, Marvin xxxxxxxx
from Hot and Sunny Scotland ;0D
Oh... Waylon, I sure wish we could get to know you better, but we're sure you're going to have a fantabulous time ahead of you as a fun, happy go lucky puppy. MUAH
He sure is a sweet humpy puppy!
I hope you have loads of wondewful adventoowes whewevew you go and get all the love and fun you desewve. I'm sowwy I didn't get to know you betttew
smoochie kisses
Hello there Waylon,
We hope you're adjusting well to your new home and are getting all the loving you need. We think you're the sweetest little rat boo we've ever seen.
Too bad we won't have a chance to watch you grow up on wally's blog but we understand too that wally has his needs. We're having a dillemma too - the Chief is considering rehoming the new dog she rescued because he's been terrorizing the lot of us!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack
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