Sunday, August 28, 2011

After the Storm

Otis T. Potus, bravest pitboo on the block here.  We have made it through Irene!  She's still blowing air at us (not just the winds coming from our nervous bums, though that may be grounds for another state of emergency) but she is mostly gone.  We are still hopeful that our friends Gus and Teka in Richmond, VA will have power soon, and that Tula Monstah, Norwood, Mango & the Dexmeister, Agatha and Archie in Masterchewsits, Maggie n' Mitch in Connecticut, Asta and Petey in NYC, are doing well.  And close to us, Khyra who is without power and our besties Narra and the Dirty Dozen who also lost power.  WITH 12 DOGS IN ONE BASEMENT! Our ma ape is traumatized just thinking about it.

From what we can see this tree across the street from us is the worst of it:

We were outside when this happened in the pitch black and hear CRRRRRAAAAAACK!  We got inside with a quickness and our GranNE gave us a lecture about loitering around in the out of doors in storms.  Good thing we have a Nebraskan to help us with hurricane safety! Our ma ape is worthless!

This was our only casualty, a branch that fell on our ma ape while she was taking our pictures.  It caused her momentary discomfort as the leaves were quite slimy.  Also, Tnaner noticed that we may have dropped our house on someone wearing that shoe.  My lips are sealed.

Ethel is MOST relieved. She was nervous yesterday because she did googly eyes (where you can see the whites of her eyes) in all her pictures yesterday. She WILL NOT go outside if it is raining so the ape had to walk her in pouring rain!  Hilarious!

We spent some time in the basement during a tornado warning (there was a tornado in SoDel).  As you can see, this caused me a great deal of sturm and drang.  I am seething inside.

Ed was excited to get to have a slumber pawty in the basement.  He staked a claim to the blankie immediately because he is one greedy little bastard.

In the morning we did some sploring, though our ma ape is keenly aware it is still windy and branches could still fall on our delicate noggins.  Fortunately my skull seems to be made of motorcycle helmet material and is indestructible.  The little man, however, needs to protect what few brains he has.

I sent Tweedledee and Tweedledum out on a patrol anyway.

All's quiet on this eastern front!  But we're still not gonna tell you what happened to the witch in the shoe.

Here is a delightfully uneventful post-storm video:

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