Back from Beantown!
My ma ape is finally BACK from BEANTOWN! She was visiting with Gee-Ographers. And she found out when got back that ERNEST MOMS were there and she missed them! I have since ordered her to wear her Ernest shirt whenever in a new town in case there is ever an ErnestMom there!
My ma ape was very disappointed to miss the ErnestFamily but also was totes bummed that she did not see any Boston Terrierists! Maybe they have all been secreted away to Airy-zona or Mini-Soda? Well, she did bring me a present which was a barking bat:

But I am NOT a Red Sox fan even though some of my buds like Mango and A+A are. Here I am pretending to bite David Ortiz:

Here I am catching a hit, saving a run. Yer OUT!

Also my ma ape was there right before the Boston Marathon and I was mad she didn't take me because me and sissy have been training:

Look at us run! I think we totes could have won the Olympic trials on Sunday AND the marathon on Monday.

My ma ape also saw mb who is a regular reader of my blog and is pretty cool even though he is owned by a goddamn cat! And he passed on news that in Boston they lose the Rs in some words but then find them in others. I'm confused:

And then she saw her friend Whingey O'Carr who my ma ape went to college with in the last century! Seriously, they are old. But Whingey is owned by a RABBIT named Finlay who is totally my bud because we have a lot in common: 1) being mama's boys/girls 2) growling at strangers 3) occasionally biting strangers 4) being ardent feminists 5) being in our prime, having improved with age and 6) our rabid fandom of fine television programming like The Hills.
Here's Finlay with her Christmas tree:
Will you be my cross-species bud, Finlay? Look, I got you flowers!