thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it is all about food and football. and since the football today is lousy it's all about food!

here's the thing about my mawma--she's crazy. she doesn't eat any animal bits so she made a
tofurkey. she's funny that way. she made me and my sister cod, though. so we had nice bowls of fish. and some sweet potatoes. yum.

here's the whole spread. they must have hidden the booze for this photo because there was booze, too. all that food--and they wouldn't let me get on the table! not even to eat the leftovers!

here i am patiently watching my granny eat. if she spills i will be there to catch. i do a lot of public service.

my sister begs, too, but she's tall enough to see the table. tempting.

after dinner i am exhausted and i have to sleep at my gramps's feet. does tofurkey have tryptophan? burp...zzzzzzzzzzzzz...burp.