The Story of My Butt by Ethel
Hey Hey Hey! It's Ethel Ethel ETHEL!
I heard MY BRO was talking about MY BUTT. And it is TRUE he BROKE IT! He says it is because my POO is not as NICE as HIS but you dogs on the internets said that maybe HE DID IT! The guy in the WHITE COAT said that I have an INFRACTION and have to take ANTI-Bs. I am lucky because some of my friends have owies much worse than MINE. Like SoCal Maggie who got hit by a car and Archie who hurts knees and has to spend all day watching THE HBO. Get better guys!
But I'm a-ok and I hear (cuz I can't look myself) that my bum looks like 100% less gross.
See me play!

And we had snow on Thusday but then it disappeared overnight. I think my BROTHER ATE IT ALL. It's funny cuz he's on a diet but when we went to the vet I had lost TWO POUNDS.
Look at me in my disguises.
See, here I'm GREYHOUND:

Here I'm a SHEPHERD:

Labels: bum trouble, ethel, ethel blogs, gross, play, poor Wally, vet