Things My Granny Learned
Now that the grands have left I have had time to reflect on all the things they learned from ME while they were here. I had so many things to show them. I showed them my field where they learned how to take pictures of my handsome mug.

And my gramps went to Philly and he learned how to play Rocky.

And my granny is really good at roaching only she calls it "YOGA" when she rolls around on her back grunting. So I showed her some new "yoga" moves with some mighty fine roachin'.

And my granny gave me and my sissy some blankets for cleaning us. Does she think we're dirty? I think my blanket works best as an Obi Wan Kenobi outfit.

I showed my granny how to nap on the Grammie Blankie! And look at my ever so subtle snaggle.

And then I showed my granny how she can fix my broken stuffies!

And then I showed her how I break them!

And I showed her how gently I take the baby carrots.

And how I eat lamb bones during the Seahawks game! Munch munch. Losing makes me hungry!

I hope you had a good visit granny. Come back soon so you can learn even more from me. (PS. The moose is STILL on the loose! I haven't broken it yet).

In that pic of you roaching, is that your passport?!
Wally run right over to my blog and check out my post because Moco(my aunt who is grammie's dog) put up her first blog post. There is a link in my post. Now you will be able to get the inside scoop about living at grammie's house. Oh by the way you sure taught your granny lots of things. I am sure she is thankful to know them all. We like the obi wan kenobi towel
I bet your granny really misses you, Wally!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Use the force Wally to makes your granny and gramps return!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Am loving the subtle snaggle photo! J x
I have a feeling winning makes you hungry too. You can come to Montreal and teach us all important things. We'd love to have you.
p.s. played with a Corgi boy today!
Wally was the perfect host. No nips for gramps, just begging. He even shared his grammie blanket one cool evening. I do worry that any dog who can open a sardine can may be possessed--can you say "Cujo" Wally? did a supersplenderifious job of teaching your granny things! I am sure she will hurry right back for her next installment.
gussie did a supersplenderifious job of teaching your granny things! I am sure she will hurry right back for her next installment.
Oh my dog I saw a BABY CARROT!!!!!
Hi Wally! I am a little behind on things but I wanted to thank you for your holiday DWB card and wish you a very happy new year!
Your friend, Lenny (WFT)
Oh Wally! I bet you & Ethel (HI ETHELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!) we the bestest host & hostesses EVER to your grandpeoples...I be they learned so much that their heads are your Grannie can stop wondering why your head is so big..hers would be too if she knew all you knew!
Love & Licks,
Hi Wally!!! I've missed you! And I totally missed all of your adventures with your Granny...looks like you schooled her pretty darn well. Nice work dude!
Hey, Woober!
I thought the same thing as the Corgi Girls. Is that a passport you are roaching upon?
You should have gotten your granny (with an N) to do some sweet Doga, where you two do the poses together! I hear it's great for the digestive track (since yours gets a heck of a workout).
I am STINKIN' excited that Grammie's dog, Moco, is posting now. She must have all kinds of good behind the scenes scoop on Grammie.
Goober love & don't go to the dark side,
Can you believe the endless supply of things the humans need to learn?
Hi, Wally
Sure your Granny is a better person now with all those things that you taught to her!
Kisses and hugs
I can feel the knowledge all the way at my house. My head is spinning with all the things you taught your Granny (with an N).
wow thats a lot of learning. She is so lucky to have you to teach her all that stuff.
Simba xx
OMdoG! What a huge juicy greasy bone that is...My mommy sews back our stuffies too but they somehow look like mutated aliens after that. I mean, the arm is on the head & the head is sewed to the buttocks. Weird!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Okay Walls, you Joker - that was not your mug she was taking a pic of in that first shot!
Bussie Kissies
Your grandparent's are so lucky to have a teacher such as yourself. Perhaps if they are not busy they can come by my place and I can teach them a thing or two about staining. I like the Obi Wan look!
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