For the Brat Pack
If you hear a howl of sadness, it is for Durango who was fortunate enough to know the Five Happy Hounds, if for only a brief time. I am glad you got to know the love of a very special person. Good night, my friend.

No louder shrieks to pitying heaven are cast,
When husbands or lap-dogs breathe their last.
What a beautiful puppy with such a terrible disease. At least he left knowing he was loved.
I was so SURE this was going to turn out right. Usually I don't despair so at being wrong.
Totally, brutally unfair. J lost a dog to parvo once (also a rescue) and it is such a terrible disease. I'm glad that Durango at least got to enjoy some affection and love before he had to go. I wish his pack well.
-Sid the Dog
We feel just horrible! Our heart goes out to Maryann! She fought so hard - life just isn't fair sometimes!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hasn't this family had enough? Our hearts are breaking for them.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Wally, That was really lovely. This is the first I've heard that Durango didn't make it. Poor Maryann and Brats. I'm sure your words are a great comfort to her.
Oh, Wally.
We're sending comforting goob smooches to Mary Ann & the rest of the brats. They've been having a hard couple of months.
Thanks so much for keeping us posted. I'm certain Durango knew how loved he was!
Run like the wind, little buddy!
Goober love,
Maryann is a star with her dogs, and I'm sure Durango realised that too. Poor little one.
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