The Name Game
The Dogs of Jackman Ave had a great post about how they got their names. It seemed like a good idea and I've had several inquiries about how we got our names so here's the stories of How We Got Our Lovely Names.
This is Ethel.

At the shelter she was called "Dallas" which neither of my apes especially liked and which she didn't really respond to anyway. And, since the Dallas Cowboys are the mortal enemy of our closest football franchise (go Eagles!) we decided she needed a change. Ethel is the name of a famous comedic sidekick--Ethel from I Love Lucy. This makes me Lucy, I suppose.

Mostly, though, my apes just liked the way "Ethel" sounded, especially when paired with Wally.
And speaking of Wally, here I am!

I came with my name! The rescue I came from decided I was a Wally and I'd had the name for about four months (no one wanted me for that long--can you believe it!). It's fitting because I resemble the creature who has a similar name--the walrus! My ma ape has always been a huge fan of seals, sea lions, and walruses (walrii?) so it's a nice fit.

To clarify, neither Wally nor the Walrus have anything to do with THIS creature whom we believe is trying to pass as a walrus to hide his inner malignant nature.