We are a bit lonely at TWO and as you can see above two bee-yoo-ti-ful and well behaved siblings and we have decided to begin the Search for a New Sibling. Here are our respective ads:
Wanted: New brudder to beat up old annoying brudder. Must be a boy who STAYS AWAY from MY tennis ball stuff. Should enjoy long walks, raw meaties and chasing squirrels. Not always good w/small dogs, beagles, other bitches. Would like you to wear out Annoying Teen resident in house without you yourself being annoying to me.
Wanted: New brudder or sister to antagonize old sissy. Should love to RUN RUN RUN and tolerate me goosing him/her and constantly putting him/her in my mouth. Must love raw meaties, zoomies in the backyard and letting me have all the awesome toys and the snuggle ball. No mama's boys! I want to be the only one! Should be prepared for emergency rassling matches at any time.
If you think you or a friend fits these criteria please submit your full CV in the comments. We would very much like to cheer up our ma ape with a new boy but he must not be cuter than us. She is especially fond of big heads and short legs. In other words, dogs who look like her.
Labels: brudderly love, ethel, oscar