Diet Plan TAKE TWO!
There was a great deal of interest in my workout plan with some suspicion about why I employed a fitness model (Blu) to do the leaping. I would like to give some assurances that I am, in fact, quite a fit fellow even if my ma ape has to help me up and down the stairs from time to time. So here is more insight into the routine of a great athlete.
It involves a great deal of dietary discretion eating a regular diet of tasty meatables and bones with great vigor. I'm pretty I burn as many calories as I consume while I masticate on my bonables.

An athlete must also be well-hydrated. Here I am engaged in a drinking competition with my brudder.
And now I will show you that I can indeed jump.
Look at that air I can get!
I also lead group exercise sessions!
My profile can be quite misleading about the efficacy of my exercise program, distorted by my MASSIVE brain/head.
Look at this well whittled waist!
Indeed, the other day I was so cold because of my lack of body fat that I had to be wrapped in my lovely Strawberry Shortcake blanket (actually Ethel's, given by Grammie!) And then I had to let the little man get on top of me for warmth!
And now Oscar and Edgrr would like to share some of their Stringbean Skinny Secrets.
This is a cardio routine our ape refers to as EXERCISING HER PATIENCE!
To really get the effect of this make sure you crank up this song while also barking and growling and full volume.