When we adopted Oscar they said he was 11 months and it is now almost a month later so we arbitrarily decided that this is Oscar's Burpday Weekend! It just happened to coincide with the big sale at the local pet store. And my burpday is the 22nd (of February) so it's easy to remember.
Here's the burpday boy!

We got this started with BANG on our Saturday morning walk when we were walking by a house with an 8 foot wooden fence and suddenly--a pit bull came over the fence! Yowza! We SHOUTED AT HIM and he was completely nonplussed and just stared at us so Ethel decided to try to pin him! And still he didn't care! And my ma ape realized that collectively we weigh more than her so pulling us away was hard but she did and just when we got across the street someone pulled out of his collar and jumped on the pit's back---ME! Yeah, I'm tuff. And a little dumb. But no one got hurt. Except my ma ape's ticker. We didn't get any pictures of the event but here's what my ma ape looked like:

Also my ma ape decided to start the O-Man on a raw diet. Do you think he likes it?

He needs to learn to eat with dignity:

He and sissy stopped rasslin' for at least 5 seconds. (This is totally gross but they SMOOCH all the time! Like Frenching. Totes gross! And wait until I tell you about the humping).

And we got to go to the field to play!

And the O-Man did a little relaxin'.

But no one knows the art of the Sunday morning R&R like Wally:

And then it was time for ICE CREAM. This is doggie ice cream. Because my ma ape is a sucker for marketing (she says in the future she will stick to considerably cheaper homemade frosty paws):

The O-Man got some Paw-nut Crunch:

Ethel got an ice cream headache from the PawNut Swirl:

While I had a bite of the ole Snickerpoodle:

And we've heard the Cuz hype but no one in the house was mad about rubber toys but the O-Man got a DEVIL CUZ and he loves it:

And look at this drawer! That'll keep us in snacks for at least a week!

And here's a shot to finish the weekend:

Happy Burpday OSCAR!
Labels: BARF, burpday, ethel, food, oscar, play, Wally