Poet Alert!
I had a most exciting visitor today--MARVIN THE SCOTSMAN POET!
Marvin stopped blogging (temporarily, I hope!) but he was one of my first pals on DWB and has a special place in my heart. So much has happened since I saw you last.
No, Marvin, your eyes have not gone wonky. You are not seeing double! I have a baby brudder who looks like my baby sissy! His name is Oscar. He is just a baby and I have to tell him (what not to) do all the time!

But not everything has changed. I am still devastatingly handsome.

There once was a stealthy poet Scotsman
Who could always make a corgador grin
His blog it went silent
Though I did decry it
Here's hoping our pal will pick up the blog pen!
Um, I think I'd better stick to prose.
I sure miss my look-a-likie Scottish Friend!
I love your Marvin poetry too! You are a literary genius!
Love & Licks,
We all miss Marvin very much. Hopefully he is able to blog again in the future.
Are you getting one of those coats. That red color will look dashing on you. Do you think "they" will be able to communicate with you with it on?
OMG I miss Marvin SO much, I am so glad he is still out there and ok. I hope he blogs again someday!
oh we are so glad marvin checked in with someone and is okay. He needs to start blogging again.
We sure do miss Marvin! We wish he'd come back to blogging!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I like to think that Marvin is on some fabulous adventure and one day, will come back, filled with tales that will keep us all engrossed for hours and hours.
In the meantime, it's great to hear he's still out there somewhere. I expect Jeannie is too. Hope they are having a fabulous time.
We miss Marvin & J too....good to hear they're still around!
ooooooh dearest Wally, my old friend.
Thank you so much for your wonderful poem, I am truly honoured.
You are just the kindest chap ever! It brought tears to my Jeannie's eyes this morning.
Here is a little poem I have written today, dedicated just to you, as you are such a shining star and good blogging pal!
"Ahem" ~ (always best to have a wee cough before I recite, methinks!)
~ A Poem Just For Wally ~
"Dearest Wally wrote me a wonderful rhyme,
And when I read it, well I felt so darn fine.
His words they were heartfelt and true,
But I am now a dog without blog, so "what to do?".
I cannot show my appreciation on line,
So here is my Wally Poem written deep from this old heart of mine.
For sadly I will not blog again my dear friend,
Sometimes, all good things have to come to an end.
But never fear I will always look IN,
Your blog posts give me a reason to GRIN.
I love your photos, and the story of your life,
And I sometimes think I could ask Ethel to be my Wife.
Oscar is handsome and new to his blog,
He looks so much like me, he could be Marvin The Dog.
But Wally is my favourite, Wally is just the best.
Wally is the King Of The Bloggers, he towers over the rest.
Thank you, Wally, for being my oldest blogging friend,
I am honoured to be your pal,my loyalty will never end."
Phew! That has taken it out of me now, Devastatingly Handsome Wally, I must leave, but I will call in again to catch up on your news!
Mucho love and licks, Your Friend,
Marvin, Poet, Dog and Guardian of Jeannie xxxxxx
Who is doing fine! Especially now she has had her Wally Fix. ;0)
We so so so miss Marvin too. Is he ever going blog again? I hope so!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I MISS MY MARVIN!! I wish he'd stop to visit ME!!!! And you will always be the most handsomest of the handsome...and the sweetest sweet pea in the whole sweetpea patch.
We've been concerned about Marvin and his J, so we're delighted to hear that all is OK.
wags from the whippoets
I miss Marvin a bunch, too!! I hope he starts up his blog again, too.
Very nice poem, Wally! We still miss Marvin too (and his bootiful pictures of Scotland)!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
I'm back at last, so much to catch up on.
Simba xx
Hey Wally, we miss Marvin. I wish he would blog again. J x
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