In the Doghouse
Me and my sissy got in trouble today. Like, LOTS of trouble. My ma ape was apoplectic. I don't even know what the word means but it sounds like someone's head is about to pop and I think my ma ape's almost did.
Here's what happened. We went to the field by our house where we regularly go to play. It's a big field next to a big fenced in university-owned forest. Some of the underbrush spills into the field but we usually don't care much about it. My sissy chases her stupid tennis balls and I play The Great Explorer. I was minding my business and my sissy was minding her tennis ball business when suddenly she looked at something in the underbrush and bolted into it. My apes didn't think much of it--they yelled at her--but usually it's just a rabbit or a squirrel or a bird that gets away quickly and sissy quickly gets back to fetching. But then they heard something in the underbrush. And I started running. My ma ape started to take a picture because I'm funny when I run. Then POP out of the underbrush.

Bambi! As you can see, she pulled away from me quickly and my sissy was still sniffing in the brush.

And the deer headed straight for the back corner of the fence where there's a hole. My ma ape put down the camera and hightailed it for us. Seemed like the deer would just leap over the fence (not that tall) or zip through the hole--which it looked like the deer was purposely heading for. NO! Stupid Bambi threw herself against the fence and then ran RIGHT AT MY SISSY.

Something happened in the brush. Yup. There was blood. Not a lot. But blood. The deer eventually got away after what seemed like (my ma ape says) a million years and they caught my sissy who was CRAZY for Bambi. The deer ran off and our apes were MAD at us for not leaving it alone when they first told us too. Sigh. If only my ma ape knew this was our plan to give her a completely unique mama's day gift--a DEER! Sheesh. Some people are so ungrateful.
So we went home--apes FUMING and us PANTING, still WIRED. The apes called the wildlife people to check on the deer but they couldn't find it so it must have been ok enough to run off.
WE had to take BATHS! What horrible punishment. Here's my sissy after hers. She had a small owie on her foot but no tender spots or blood. Look--she still looks crazy!

Here I am. Still EXCITED about the day. No owies on me, no tender spots. The apes don't think we got kicked or anything and we're running around like nothing happened. Except the most awesome thing EVER for a dog! Better even than when we caught the woodchuck!

My ma ape was SO MAD she said we had to give away our venison snacks to some of our doggy friends as penance for what we did to the deer. She feels guilty. Us, not so much!