How to Clean a Skunky Monkey
This morning while we were on walkies my ma ape let us off leash at a park where there was no one there. No one but a wee skunk. So after scouring the internets and finding some useful sites about dealing with skunkies I thought I'd share my corgador wisdom. Here's how to clean a skunky monkey:
1. Find a skunky monkey. This should not be hard even if you do not have a dog's refined sense of smell because you can smell them from about a mile away. You can probably smell Ethel through this photo. I had expected a putrid smell but it's really more like a tire fire. Mmmm...burnin' rubber.

4. Enjoy being the only monkey that is not skunky and thus gets all the pets attention AND gets on the furniture.

Labels: ethel, oscar, samantha, skunks, stinky, Wally, wally loves