Yo! The boys in red coats are back for
SPCA SATURDAY with your intrepid hosts Big Red Jr (AKA Derrick) who was feeling meditative today:

And Roscoe P. Neo who is feeling wrinkly as per usual!

This feller is #307 and he doesn't have a name but Wally says he is a dead ringer for his bud MARVIN the SCOTSMAN POET. He was very shy but totes sweet.

And here's Heaven! The lady with the camera had a hard time getting pho-tos of her because she was usually either jumping on her lap or using her as a springboard. Here she is tuggin'!

This handsome feller is Lionel. He does love a good romp in the snow and a good asmoochasmoocha fest.

Here's Teddy (Ted the Head). He's a mastiff mix with a big ole head, though it is quite diminutive compared to ole Roscoe P. Neo's noggin'.

Oh! Here is SHAGGY, an ole English Sheepdog mix. How do you think he got his name?

Here's Stanley, Stan-the-Man. He's a nice ole shepherd mix. He got hit by a car but they fixed him up and he's as good as new. Minus a coupla patches of fur.

This lady is Trixie who wanted to spend the whole time outside just givin' and gettin' hugs. Aw, what a nice lady. And she looks like Big Red Jr. They could totally go out and then it would be like going out with THEMSELVES. Whoa.

And here's Koda, a boxer mix. He likes playin', runnin' and having the biggest bug eyes in the world.

And today I discovered something awesome--TOOOOOOYYYYS!

My jowls like them, too!

I especially love a good game of tug n' growl! The lady says I would make a GREAT piece of exercise equipment. I also gave her a nice cardio workout chasing me to try to take me back inside! Aromparompa!

Today a buncha dogs got adopterated like Rex my American boo-dog buddy and Bobby, a little pit boo pup who wasn't there long enough to get his picture took! And a Rottenweiler and a lil' sheltie mix. It was a good day! And maybe next week me n' Big Red Jr. will be OUTTIE 5000, G!
Labels: adoption, dogs, mastiff, pit bulls, rescue, rescue rules, spca