Pin Heads!

Hellooooo! Have you missed me? I am SO MAD that my ma ape has been hogging the Apple and I have missed important things like Asta's Party and Bear's Burpday, and even Sherman's Plastic Surgery! Jeez! But I also have had important things to do. You might know that I live next to Pennsylvania which you may know is voting soon and so I have had many things to do. Like teaching this dude to bowl because, judging from the attention shown on the news shows, it is apparently a required skill to be President:
I used this as an example of what NOT to do.
I myself just waddle down the lane and take the pins out with my big ole head. My technique looks something like this:

I mean, that ferocious face is enough to give anyone nightmares, eh? That's like Ted Nugent level crazy hunter face.