SPCA Saturday!
It is SPCA Saturday, MOJO JOJO reporting for duty! NO LIL RED! It was an EXCIIIIITING day. One of the apes told the other ape that if LIL RED was still at the SPCA after two weeks she could have him. And today was TWO WEEKS! And the apes came to the SPCA and LIL RED was in the lobby GETTING ADOPTED! Harooooooooooo! I tried to convince them to take home a MOJOJOJO but they did not. There were not many new dogs this week--haroooooo! But here are some friends.

This LIL LADY is Tabitha, a pit/hound mix who is the greaterest! She'd make a GREAT family dog because she likes to PLAY and she likes to dish out the LOVE.

She is hard to photograph because she moves SO FAST. Here she is trying to give the love to the lady ape! Smooch-a-smooch-a.

This lady is a basset/beagle who is in AARP.

Come adopt us!