We Shall Overcome
When my ma ape was just a twinkle in my GranNE's eye, they had two beagles. Named Bad and Worse. I suspect this video will remind her of them.
Labels: dogs rule
anthropomorphism: personifying or attributing human characteristics to an animal or other non-human being. note: this blog's content is copyright protected by its owner. content thieves will be gummed by wally.
Mom showed me that a month or so ago!
Pretty inkhredible!!
Beagles are the Houdinis of the canine world. Bad and Worse preferred digging under fences or leaping over tall fences at a single bound ala Superman. Wally is much better behaved.
That dog is smarter than most humans. That is what Grammie says.
Beagles and bassetts and beagles and bassetts. You're making my mom smile a lot lately. When I was a puppy, I knew a beagle who would climb the chain link fence around our yard to play with me. He was a regular little monkey, that beagle was.
We've seen this video before! Isn't that Beagle just the smartest!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Bad and Worse? For serious?! Too funny!!!
M & I
Bad and Worse were officially named Goneril and Regan (the ungrateful daughters of King Lear) but quickly became known as Bad and Worse.
Our friend Kess showed us this video. It's unbelievable!! The Girl told me not to get any ideas...
Brown dog kisses,
I can't believe it. Its like a ninja beagle. Wally, are you going to try that yourself?
Ha! My girl can't stop laughing and watching it over and over again!
Ha! We totally did something similar! On the last night before arriving at our new home, we stayed with a family with 2 other newfs. They put us in their pen from which they never escaped. We got out in 10 seconds, and we did it 3 times!
That's awesome!
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