What time is it? FOOTBALL TIME! That means I get out my favorite jersey. And I get to teach the NEW APE about the BIG RED.

Even sissy Ethel loves football season. And my bum--look she's totally checkin' out my fine rear here.


My jersey says three things. "Wally" "Huskers" and "1." That is because two things are number one--Wally and the Cornhuskers.

And after I ate I had to practice my football. Look at me fast like a Hoosker!

Try and tackle THIS!

And a special note to my friend Gertie who is (forced to be) a Michigan Wolverines fan. It's ok to laugh at your team for losing to Appalachian State. It is a little embarrassing to lose to a team who isn't even IN your division. I won't rub it in your face. Except to say that the Delaware Blue Hens would like you to turn in your blue/yellow helmets which you have shamed.
Labels: cornhuskers, ethel, food, football, humor, play, sports, Wally